Based on recent analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data, Texas has managed to emerge as the nation's most "sticky" state, meaning it has retained the highest proportion of its native residents, reports U.S. News & World Report.
What convinces born-and-raised Texans to never want to leave?
The answer is multifaceted, and the journey to arriving at it was an equally complex one.
The article stated:
"It is difficult to pinpoint exactly why some states do a better job of retaining their native-born residents than others, but the authors of the analysis note some commonalities. The top five each had above-average job growth between 2010 and 2019, and four of the five have below-average state and local tax burdens. The stickiest states also tend to have numerous metropolitan areas with large populations, and a majority of the top 10 tend to have warmer weather throughout the year."
The findings, which were sourced from the American Community Survey and published on the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' website, rely on the calculation of the share of individuals born in a given state who still call it home as of 2021.
Surprisingly, a state's ability to retain residents doesn't hinge on its geographical location. Among the top 10 states with the highest percentages of resident retention, various regions of the country are represented, although the majority hail from the South.
Texas, boasting an impressive 82% stickiness rate, leads the pack in preserving its native-born population and has consistently ranked near the top for years.
Furthermore, the Lone Star State claims the lowest out-migration rate in 2021, denoting the ratio of departures per 1,000 residents. This statistic extends beyond native-born residents, distinguishing Texas from states like Maine and Ohio, which, despite low out-migration rates, do not feature in the top 10 for stickiness.