A Quarter Of Americans Feel Burnout By The Time They’re 30

Stress is taking a huge toll on a lot of Americans and a new survey shows how it’s hitting them. The average person is experiencing peak burnout at around 42 years old, but for some, it’s happening even younger. A quarter of Americans are now burned out by the time they’re 30.

According to the poll of 2-thousand U.S. adults:

  • For Gen Z adults and millennials, now between the ages of 18 and 44, their stress is hitting the highest point when they’re just 25 years old, on average.
  • The average person reports currently being at half of their stress capacity.
  • So, what’s causing all this burnout? Finances are the top factor (30%), followed closely by politics (26%), work (25%), and their physical health (23%).
  • Romantic and Family relationships are also stressing people out (18%).
  • The top factors leading to burnout vary some by age group. For younger generations specifically, work is the biggest thing contributing to burnout (33%), followed by finances (27%) and mental health (24%).
  • For Gen X and baby boomers, politics is the top concern (27%) followed by their physical health (24%).
  • Overall, 83% believe that entering adulthood today is more challenging than it was a decade ago.
  • Nearly three-quarters (72%) feel it will only get more challenging to be an adult over the next 10 years.
  • A third of Americans polled think this will be the most stressful year yet; they predict 2025 will be worse than the last three years.
  • But some folks are still holding out hope, including 42% who are optimistic that the rest of this year will be more promising than last.

Source: Talker

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